R. Berenblyum, A. Østhus, S. Stokka, L. Surguchev. 2019. Air Injection chapter in JCR-7 Monograph “North Sea Chalk” edited by S. Skjæveland and O.K. Siqveland. UiS.
Surguchev L.M., Berenblyum R.A., Surguchev M.L. (II) 2017. Shift to Hydrogen: Hydrogen Generation In-situ Depleted Hydrocarbon Gas Fields, Th P0001, EAGE, 19th European Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery, 24-27 April 2017, Stavanger, Norway.
Surguchev L.M., Berenblyum R.A. 2015. Process to Generate Hydrogen from Hydrocarbons In-situ: Commercial Hydrogen Production, Carbon Capture, Source of Thermal Energy, The Third Sustainable Earth Science Conference, 13-15 October 2015, Celle, Germany.
Surguchev L.M., Berenblyum R.A. 2014. In-situ Hydrogen Generation from Hydrocarbons and CO2 Storage in the Reservoir, Fourth EAGE CO2 Geological Storage Workshop, Demonstrating storage integrity and building confidence in CCS, 23 - 25 April 2014, Stavanger, Norway.
Surguchev L.M., Berenblyum R.A. 2014. Production of H2 generated from hydrocarbons in-situ with CO2 disposal, European Hydrogen Energy Conference (EHEC), 12th-14th of March 2014, Seville, Spain.
Berenblyum R.A., Shchipanov A.A., Surguchev L.M., Kollbotn L. 2011. CO2 EOR and Storage: Lessons Learned from Several Case Studies, 16th European Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery, Cambridge, UK, 12-14 April 2011.
Surguchev L.M., Berenblyum R.A. 2011. In-situ Hydrogen: Clean Energy Alternative, International Research Institute of Stavanger, CLIMIT conference 2011.
Druganova E.V, Surguchev L.M, Ibatullin R.R. 2011. Air Injection at Mordovo-Karmalskoye Field: Simulation and IOR Evaluation, 32nd Annual Symposium & Workshop, IEA Collaborative Project on Enhanced Oil Recovery, Vienna, 17-19 October 2011.
Surguchev L.M. 2010. Hydrogenproduksjon ved in-situ reformering, Prosjekt 200031, CLIMIT-dagene, Soria-Moria, Oslo, 12-13 October 2010.
Calderon G., Surguchev L.M. 2010. Viscous and Gravity Effects at CO2 Injection, SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Barcelona, Spain, 14–17 June 2010.
Berenblyum R.A., Calderon G.R., Surguchev L.M. 2009. Simulating CO2 EOR Process: Numerical Investigation Based on the Experimental Results, SPE 126423, SPE International Conference on CO2 Capture, Storage, and Utilization, San Diego, California, USA, 2 - 4 Nov 2009.
Berenblyum R.A., Surguchev L.M. 2008. Aspects of the chemical injection simulation, 29th IEA-EOR, November 2008, China.
Berenblyum R.A., Calderon G., Kollbotn L., Surguchev L.M. 2008. Simulation Aspects of the CO2 Flooding, Sensitivity and Case Study, paper A038, EAGE Conference “Geoscienсes – From New Ideas to New Discoveries”, St. Petersburg, 7 - 10 April 2008.
Stokka S., Surguchev L.M., Berenblyum R.A., Fjelde I., Stensen J.A. and Lackner A.S. 2007. Tjeldbergodden CO2 value chain: gas from onshore power plant for IOR at the Heidrun field, IEA Collaborative Project on Enhanced Oil Recovery, 28thAnnual Workshop and Symposium, Denmark, 5-7 September 2007.
Berenblyum R.A., Kollbotn L., Surguchev L.M. 2007. Supercritical fluid oil field: EOR potential, 14th European Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery, Cairo, Egypt, 22 - 24 April 2007.
Surguchev L.M., Manrique E.A., Alvarado V. 2005. Improved Oil Recovery: Status and Opportunities, 18th World Petroleum Congress, South Africa, 26-29 September 2005.
Hanssen J.E., Surguchev L.M., Lohne A. 2003. Understanding colloid phenomena—A key tool for optimizing hydrocarbon exploitation: Illustrations from two major European R&D projects”, ACS Award in Colloid and Surface Chemistry Symposium Honoring Clay Radke, the 225th ACS National Meeting, New Orleans, LA, March 23-27, 2003.
Skauge A., Surguchev L.M. 2000. Gas Injection in Paleo Oil Zones, SPE 62996, SPE Annual Technical Conference, Dallas, 1-4 October 2000.
Surguchev L.M., Koundin A.S., Yannimaras D. 1999. Air Injection: Cost Effective IOR Method to Improve Oil recovery from Depleted and Waterflooded Fields, SPE 57296, SPE Asia/Pacific Conference, October 1999.
Reich E.M., Li L., Surguchev L.M. 1999. Screening of IOR methods using a fast pre-simulation tool, EAEG 097, Brighton, European IOR Simposium, August 1999.
Surguchev L.M., Coombe D., Hanssen J.E., Svorstøl I. 1995. Simulation of WAG and Gas Injection with Potential Sweep Improvement by Application of Foam", 8th European IOR Symposium, Vienna, Austria, May 15-17, 1995, pp 318-330.
Hanssen J.E., Surguchev L.M., Svorstol I. 1994. SAG Injection in the North Sea Stratified Reservoir: Flow Experiment and Simulation, SPE 28847, European Petroleum Conference, London, 25-27 October 1994.
Surguchev M.L., Surguchev L.M. 1993. Water-Gas Injection Process for Heterogeneous Reservoirs, Scientific and Technical Journal of the Oil and Gas Industry "Neftepromyslovoye Delo", Moscow, No. 6-7, 1993, pp 3-13.